Welcome to Senate Committee on Transportation

Senate Transportation Committee

The committee meets regularly on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 1:30pm

The Capitol and O Street building are open for in-person attendance of committee hearings.

The Senate strongly recommends that all members of the public wear a mask in all shared spaces in the Capitol and the 1021 O Street building. Masks are available at all security entrances.

We encourage the public to submit written testimony before the hearing through the position letter portal. Please note that any written testimony submitted to the committee is considered public comment and may be read into the record or reprinted. Letters designated as "support if amended" will not be listed on the analysis, while "oppose unless amended" letters will be listed under "oppose."

As of February 28, 2023, the Governor terminated the state's COVID-19 State of Emergency. Procedures put in place to accommodate the pandemic restrictions have been reverted back to pre-pandemic practices. Teleconference testimony during committee hearings will no longer be available.

The Senate continues to welcome the public and provides access to both in-person and written participation for public comment. If you are unable to attend a hearing in person, written comments or testimony can be provided directly to the committees by emailing the committee or utilizing the Advocacy Portal.

2025 Bill Hearings and Position Letter Deadlines

Bill Hearing DatePosition Letter Deadline
(by noon)
Author Amendments
(by 5pm)
March 25March 19March 12
April 8April 2March 26
April 22April 16April 9

JURISDICTION: Bills relating to the California State Transportation Agency, California High-Speed Rail Authority, California Highway Patrol, California Transportation Commission, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Transportation (Caltrans), transportation funding, transportation planning and programming, public transit, intercity rail, mobile sources of air pollution, rules of the road, driver’s licenses, goods movement, state highways, local streets and roads, vehicles, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and vessels.

The committee staff does not accept emailed position letters. Please use the link below to submit letters electronically. 

For information on how to submit a position letter please see the Advocacy Quick Reference Guide